Wednesday, August 18, 2010

My Bucket List ('Til The Next Kid)

**Took image away because I wasn't sure if I could use it :(. Will try to replace it soon!**

Okay, it does sound a little too tragic to call this a "bucket list" - as if, by the time I have my next kid, my life will be over. Well, but life as I know it will. Currently, when I finally get Melissa to take a nap (which is harder and harder these days), I get to go check my email, eat chocolate or stare at nothing in blissful silence. I'm REALLY afraid of what it will be like when I have one more kid.

As I've already mentioned here, we've "scheduled" our next pregnancy for next year (because we don't want them to be too far apart in age), so I don't have much more time left. These are the things that I wish to accomplish before my next labor (oy, it hurts me just to think about it):

I have no unrealistic expectations of returning to my pre-pregnancy body - I have complete conscience that some parts have changed forever. And it's not all bad, it's just different. Takes some getting used to. But my goal is to "de-puff" as much as possible and feel comfortable in clothes again (hence latest post).

It would be nice to stop milking myself for a solid year before another baby's attached to my boob. I REALLY want to wean Melissa off when she turns one, but still kinda clueless about how... She is eating more solids, though - and sometimes I can distract her with food before she wants to nurse - but to go to sleep, she's pretty much dependent on me. I know you shouldn't stop all of a sudden, but how do you do it gradually??

By then Melissa will be a little older, and I'm afraid I'm not setting up an example of cleanliness so far...

I hereby promise, promise, promise that I'll be a less stressed out preggo next time. Or at least less stressed out about being stressed out.


Andrea said...

Ha! To gostando do seu blog, menina. E olha so, vc tem leitores!

Ah, tambem gostei da cabecinha da Melissa no corpo de abelhinha :-)


Anne Prado said...

Hihi e' porque blogar e' a minha unica ocupacao alem de ser mae, entao eu tenho tempo de promover :) (em comunidades blogais).

Pois e', achei tanto que ia ter milhares de comentarios com a foto da cabecinha, mas ninguem quis saber, chuif chuif...

Cameron said...

I'm planning on weaning my daughter at 1 year, too. I'm going to try to drop 1 feeding at a time & wait about a week in between. She's only eating 4 times a day right now - 7:30am, 11:30am, 3:30pm, 6:30pm. So I'm going to do the 3:30 one, then the 11:30 one, then the 7:30 one and end with the 6:30 one. So she actually probably won't be completely weaned until closer to 13 months.

I got that info at KellyMom.

Good luck!!!

Anne Prado said...

Thanks Cameron for the advice!! I think I need to be more conscious about it, and not just expect her to magically understand that she's not supposed to nurse anymore at 1 :).

Stephanie said...


I think it's a great thing that you're planning ahead and thinking about what you need to accomplish before the next lo comes around.

Depuffing will be a mystery to me. Some women talk about breastfeeding the fat away while others breastfeed for a long time while remaining "puffy". I guess I'll have to see when it happens what it does to my body.

Anne Prado said...

@ Stephanie - oh, I'm sure breastfeeding is helping me A LOT, and one of the reasons I wanted to start working out was because I'm afraid of gaining weigh when I stop! Plus, it's much easier to be disciplined about 5 minutes of exercise a day than about not eating chocolate :). said...

What was hardest for me was that as big of a change as it was to have the first child, the second child was an even bigger change. Hard to believe, right? It's difficult to explain, but it's true.

As far as weaning, all of my kids did a cold turkey weaning on me. ALL OF THEM. It sucks and isn't comfortable. I wish I could give advice, but my kids didn't listen to anyone's advice, anyway!

Alexandra said...

I;m with you all the way on all these "de" things I need to do.

I wish I had more chances to do things right.

Adorable post.

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